Freight's Most
Advanced RFP

Now with Benchmarking

Get empowered with market bid activity and insights to plan better in ever-changing markets

Trusted by more than 5,000+ industry-leading companies for procurement

Albertsons Logo
Ferrara Candy Company logo
Stanley Black & Decker Logo
f'real foods logo

“Emerge allows for accountability from the carriers, tracking capability and just an overall efficient process. It’s a win-win scenario.”

Tammy Rieser, Cup Operations Team Lead, f’real foods

Make data-based decisions faster

Bid smarter and award with more confidence

Take your decision-making ability to the next level by tapping into benchmarking. Upload your existing lanes and historical or current rates to understand how their rates compare with the industry. Using the best available  lane-specific data from industry leaders like DAT and FreightWaves, you can make strategic moves to correct imbalances in real time. 

Introducing our AI-driven Scenario Builder

Harness the power of machine learning to optimize your RFP lanes.

With Emerge’s new Scenario Builder built into the Dynamic RFP platform, complete your RFP events even faster by quickly analyzing your lanes and optimizing your route guide for lowest cost, or set custom scenarios to bring even more refinement to your route guide. What once took endless hours of analysis on spreadsheets and emails can now be completed with the click of a button.

Complete your contract freight RFP events even faster

Execute annual, seasonal, or mini-bids in a few clicks, not weeks or even months. Built for freight procurement by freight experts, Emerge is the most complete end-to-end platform solution for contract freight.

Hundreds of brands trust Emerge to procure their freight.

Emerge has shown top companies how to streamline their procurement and cut costs. Let us show you how.